Carole à Higashi izumo

mercredi, janvier 31, 2007


This is Chigusa. She is great!!! She sits next to me at school. She teaches social studies, but loves English, so she we often talk. She teaches me Japanese and I teach her English. We also go out and drink and gossip about the school (teachers/kids). She also knits!!! Everyone should have someone like Chigusa at their schools!! It makes going to school so much fun!!! THANK YOU CHIGUSA!!!!


At 7:39 p.m., Anonymous Anonyme said...

allo Carole,
Tu n'as rien ajouter de nouveau depuis que tu as une nouvelle amie. Nous sommes contents que tu as quelque de nouveau comme amie, une de plus. C'est le fun!
Continue a ajouter sur ton blog. On t'aime papa et maman


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